
As Local Elections Rapidly Approach and Covid Deaths Remain High, Ministers Remain Firmly Behind the Polls Taking Place

Peering into the Government’s pound shop mystic ball of predicting how the pandemic will play out, the Minister was clear that the elections would be run as a safe and accessible event where there wouldn’t be a play off between one’s personal health and one’s right to vote.

Boris Johnson’s ‘Green Industrial Revolution’: World Leading?

In November 2021, the UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, which will help accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Delayed by one year (excruciatingly for the climate) because of the Covid pandemic, it is set…

Gouldnomics and the ‘Future of Socialism’

Its 1989 and Labour is going through the throes of its quest for ‘Modernisation’. Tony Benn has just lost the leadership election, depressing a generation of Labour activists, and Peter Mandelson has begun to ramp up his project that would eventually become New Labour. In this rather fluid climate of shifting allegiances, policies and politics,…

Diesel Trains: A very Lincoln Conundrum

In Lincoln we are well accustomed to the railways at the centre of our city. Intercity expresses, local services and freight trains frequent Lincoln 7 days a week, cutting across the high street and university campus. Lincoln, unfortunately, sits off the east coast main line meaning when it comes to investment in the services and…

Drinking in a time of Covid

The 4th of July isn’t usually a day of celebration in the UK, but this year we all had our own independence day as lockdown restrictions were lifted a little more. Britons are fuelled by tea, fish and chips, and pints – so the legal ban from going “t’pub” demonstrated how serious this pandemic really…

Local Lockdown in Leicester

The motto of Leicester that is engraved outside the city’s town hall is ‘Semper Eadem’ which translates into English as ‘always the same.’ It is interesting that a city with such a motto would create package holidays, find a King in a Car Park and despite 5000/1 odds against its football team, go on to…


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