Gouldnomics and the ‘Future of Socialism’

Its 1989 and Labour is going through the throes of its quest for ‘Modernisation’. Tony Benn has just lost the leadership election, depressing a generation of Labour activists, and Peter Mandelson has begun to ramp up his project that would eventually become New Labour. In this rather fluid climate of shifting allegiances, policies and politics,Continue reading “Gouldnomics and the ‘Future of Socialism’”

The Great Leftie Lockdown Literature List

Looking for some good lefite literature to read to get you through the lockdown? If the answer is yes, then, good news, this list is for you. If not, try reading Ayn Rand I guess? Homage to Catalonia (George Orwell, 1938) You’ve probably read Orwell’s other books like Animal Farm and 1984 (and if notContinue reading “The Great Leftie Lockdown Literature List”

The Popular Front, Progressive Alliance and one way we could beat Boris…

The 1930s, the height of the Great Depression. In this time of great poverty and unemployment people started to turn towards extreme politics, in particular in the form of fascism. Despite having existed since the 1920’s, the 30’s was when fascism truly started to rise, from the Nazi’s of Germany to the Falange of SpainContinue reading “The Popular Front, Progressive Alliance and one way we could beat Boris…”

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