Gouldnomics and the ‘Future of Socialism’

Its 1989 and Labour is going through the throes of its quest for ‘Modernisation’. Tony Benn has just lost the leadership election, depressing a generation of Labour activists, and Peter Mandelson has begun to ramp up his project that would eventually become New Labour. In this rather fluid climate of shifting allegiances, policies and politics,Continue reading “Gouldnomics and the ‘Future of Socialism’”

Turning a blind eye: when people remain silent to abuse in the name of religion, tradition, and culture.

The idea that people in the 21st Century are silent about abuse appears to be an absurd notion. Public opinion is increasingly aware of abuses that occur behind closed doors, and the responsibility of safeguarding to protect the most vulnerable. Case studies of Daniel Pelka, Baby P, and even the institutional abuses at Winterbourne ViewContinue reading “Turning a blind eye: when people remain silent to abuse in the name of religion, tradition, and culture.”

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